
Our Mission


Togiak Natives Limited drives innovation and economic growth in our region in order to preserve our rich Yupiaq culture and language, protect our unique land, and ensure youth, elder, and shareholder well-being. We are committed to our values of respect, honesty, collaboration, and integrity.


Bristol Bay

  • Bristol Bay is a unique region and home to the watershed of the world-renowned Bristol Bay salmon fishery.

  • Approximately 40. million acres and 31 villages.

  • For thousands of years, the vast resources of the bay have sustained the people and shaped the customs of the villages, whose lifeblood is the fishery.



  • Togiak is one of the 21 villages in the Bristol Bay region and is located approximately 67 air miles southwest of Dillingham, Alaska.

  • It is home to 974 shareholders and numerous non-shareholders, whose median age is 24.2 years old.

  • The people of Togiak continue the ways of their ancestors by living a subsistence lifestyle and maintain their cultural beliefs.

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